Though, to be fair, there's not that much different from Bigfoot from a lot of other creature features.

I'm not saying that's a bad thing, of course, since, when some filmmakers get their hands on a trend, they beat it into the ground. There's a few here and there, but not that many.

With that said, it's sort of interesting to me that given the fact that Bigfoot/Yeti/Oh-Mah seems something made for horror that the Bigfoot horror subgenre isn't as packed as you might think it probably should be. I'm not saying it's true either, I'm just saying that it's far more likely than most given the vastness of the wilderness in question and the fact that we have barely explored it. That vast wilderness has not been explored in-depth, so who the fuck knows what types of creatures are hiding in it. Regardless, I feel that the point I'm trying to make is that an ape-like, bipedal creature that roams the Pacific Northwest's wilderness isn't really THAT unbelievable. Climate change denies deserve mockery too. However inconsistencies are not hard facts. That there are SOME inconsistencies is in some footage is not to be denied. Like, seriously, how fucking ridiculous is that? With no proof whatsoever. I've heard some people say that there's this hologram AROUND THE FUCKING EARTH that gives it the appearance of being dome shaped, but it's really actually flat. The thing about conspiracy theories and videos on things such as the flat earth theory is that they're designed to say a lot of things that might make sense when you don't really scrutinize them. Stop being contrarians for the sake of debating people with your fallacies and accept the facts in front of you. Like, as an example, believing the earth is flat.

I mean there's 'conspiracy theories', if Bigfoot even falls into that category, that deserve the mockery. I say this because, for the most part, if you say you believe in the existence of Bigfoot, for some people outside of that box of believers (if you will), that makes you a point of mockery. Bigfoot is an interesting topic to debate.